The blessed month of Ramadan is the month for peacefasting, patience, praying, forgiveness, attaining paradise, giving charity, the month for family and celebrating being a muslim, increasing our dhikr, strengthening our will, and reflecting of life getting closer to our creator.  Ramadan is the time where we muslims are able to practice self restraint and do as many good deeds as we can for the sake of Allah (SWT). For our first Ramadan in 2022 we had the opportunity to be able to share and give out refreshments for Iftar at various locations within Western Region- Ghana. This was the beginning of Attaqwa Foundation and we wanted to do something for Ramadan even if it was something small. Since the start of our foundation till today the foundation has grown bigger and we have been able to provide more food to various locations in Ghana, and we will  continue to do our best to be able to provide food aid during the blessed month of Ramadan.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is one of the holiest months of the year for muslims, it is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar. This month is when the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) . It begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon. During this time Muslims all around the world strive by abstaining from food and drink throughout the day (dawn to sunset)through praying, performing good deeds, reflection , and charity.

“ Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur’an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). ”

- QUR’AN - Al-Baqarah 2:185

Why donate during Ramadan?

During this blessed month unfortunately not every individual or family is able to have a meal or even something to drink once they break their fast. That is why your donations are so powerful, even a small donation will go a long way into helping those who are in need. Not only are you carrying out the charity obligations of Allah (SWT) has set for us to do, you are helping children and families who are not able to feed themselves during this time.


Make A Donation

Help Provide Food Aid to Families!